
Biden’s order for proposed rules could boost support for Democrat Kamla Harris from undecided voters concerned about reproductive rights or for Republican Donald Trump from those who agree with his conservative stance on access to birth control, which he argues should be up to states to regulate. Proposed rules also could stir consumers not planning to vote to go to the polls.

NDAs for additional OTC products containing acetaminophen and/or NSAIDs and indicated for use by children between 2 and less than 12 years old would trigger compliance by application sponsors with the act passed in 2003 to address lack of pediatric use information in drug labeling.

The US Food and Drug Administration is undergoing seismic leadership changes, from the expected post-election departure of two-term Commissioner Robert Califf to the retirement of longtime Center for Devices and Radiological Health Director Jeff Shuren. What might the new management mean for the medtech industry? Silverman Group President and former FDAer Steve Silverman has some insight.

Instead of $5bn in 2025, the redesign could cost the federal government two to four times that amount, the Congressional Budget Office told Republican lawmakers. And the Part D premium stabilization demonstration will cost an additional $7bn, the office projected.

Provision in Wyden and Merkley’s “Cannabinoid Safety and Regulation Act” referencing FDA authority outside hemp-derived ingredients could provide agency with needed authority to force from the market products labeled as supplements but containing drugs or eliminate the use of many safe ingredients in supplements.

Streamlined process for reporting problems is key piece of “unified Human Foods Program” which officially launched on 1 October, as Commissioner Robert Califf says, “a new model for field operations and other modernization efforts.”

Nonbinding forecast, fourth for the program, includes risks associated with codeine-containing cough medicine as a topic FDA will include in ongoing evaluation of GRASE for pediatric cough cold drug products marketed under monograph for cold, cough, allergy, bronchodilator and anti-asthmatic OTC drugs.

Brands also making market moves as lawmakers consider legislation instructing Transportation Security Administration to provide guidance to minimize risk for contamination of baby formula and related pediatric nutritional products.

Council for Responsible Nutrition contends New Jersey bill, which Assembly Health Committee amended with substantial language to make restrictions more stringent on 23 September, is targeted as inaccurately as restrictions in New York effective in April.

Democrats Wyden and Merkley author Cannabinoid Safety and Regulation Act to limit sales to consumers 21 and older and authorize FDA to order recalls and impose bans on cannabis products with dangerous chemicals or additives. It also would establish regulatory structure for using cannabinoids found naturally in hemp and allowing “semi-synthetic” ingredients while prohibiting artificial or fully synthetic cannabinoids.